
MVXpert is MontaVista’s professional services offering to support any customer’s open-source embedded Linux. This allows access to industry-leading support and maintenance services without any migration effort to commercial Linux baselines.
MontaVista can maintain and support the customer’s specific Linux branch including distrubutions based on Yocto, Ubuntu, Debian, Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) and ones offered by SoC vendors.
Linux in general is an evolving operating system platform with new features, architecture, bug fixes, and CVEs integrated into the head of trunk on a daily basis. While staying on the main branch may be advantageous to pick up all these additions, it is impractical if an engineering team is developing a product. The team will require a fixed code base to control the stablility and quality. It will however need the ability to integrate custom content (like added value functionality of the company product), along with new features, bug fixes, and security patches not in the chosen code development branch.
Maintaining a products' Linux branch requires creating a process that allows:
1) Integration of patches and features for the Linux development base
2) Backporting of required patches from newer or head of branch Linux streams
3) Consistent daily and weekly builds
4) Robust quality assurance(QA)
MontaVista has been maintaining our own Linux products for our customer base for 20 years. Whether it is a direct CVE fix or backport from a newer Linux branch, we supply CVEs and patches that are put through our high value QA. MVXpert extends this expertise as we cab also assist companies to setup and maintain a frozen development branch that incorporates their embedded Linux of choice along with their custom content.
MVXpert services include the following:
- Extended support and maintenance term, up to 10 years or more
- Security/CVE and defect fixing on the customer chosen Linux baseline
- Technical support based on an agreed Service Level Agreement(SLA), customizable to customers’ needs, including 24x7 options
- Additional professional services for board support packages, device driver optimization or any other embedded software enhancements.
If a customer is not sure if they need commercial support but want a high quality LInux baseline, MontaVista's OpenCGX baseline is an option to start development. OpenCGX is similar to MontaVista’s market leading commerical Linux product CGX. Both OpenCGX and CGX are Yocto compatible. So using OpenCGX now gives customers the option to seamlessly migrate to either commercially supported CGX product at a later point, or continue to use their chosen baseline as a Yocto Product Branch (or Frozen Branch), as needed for their IoT/Edge, Medical, 5G and network infrastructure products.
MVXpert is available now.
Please contact MontaVista at sales@mvista.com or use the Contact Us form to get in touch today