
With the ever-increasing complexity and volume of embedded device applications, we see a growing number of embedded devices connected to the Internet. Examples for those “Internet of Things” (IoT) applications range from smart appliances and industrial devices, all the way to smart infrastructure and connected vehicles..

This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for data analytics, continuous diagnostics, predictive maintenance, and easy upgrades for this ever-expanding software ecosystem.

But, with all these new opportunities, there are a lot of new challenges when embedded systems meet the Internet, such as supporting thousands of remote devices, transferring business critical data while being exposed to physical and remote attacks, or conducting secure over-the-air updates.

If you want to cut through the technical challenges, and get your team productive and focussed on developing business critical software and services, MVEdge is a secure, turn-key platform, which gives you the peace of mind of MontaVista’s more than two decades of building hardened, secure Linux distributions for our customers.

In order to deliver you a world-class, Cloud Native, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) developer platform, we teamed up with the experts at Foundries.IO.

Together with our partner, Foundries.IO, Monta Vista’s MVEdge product helps you to:

Bring up your development hardware and any Linux distribution to get your team working on your business critical software in no time at all. .

Use our cloud based DevOps infrastructure to create containerized “continuous development” workflows which seamlessly integrate in your existing development and deployment flow.

Create a secure, truly end-to-end hardware backed chain of trust. From the physical assembly of your system board in the factory, all the way to the deployed system at your customer’s site. Rest assured that your system is not compromised and your data is safe from prying eyes. Keep your edge devices up-to-date with our legendary MontaVista Long Term Support and regular releases, protecting you from Critical Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).

Use our state-of-the-art Over The Air (OTA) cloud infrastructure, based on The Update Framework (TUF) and OSTree, to keep your edge devices secure, using highly efficient delta updates.

By using Monta Vista’s MVEdge in your IoT, Edge computing or Big Data project, you build your application on top of a trusted, reliable and well supported foundation. Instead of a tedious steep learning curve for your team, you get a running start to building a secure, reliable and modern cloud based end-to-end solution.

Support requirements can be different from company to company. If you want to find out more about our support programs and discuss in more detail your requirements or get more information about how MontaVista can help with your Edge and IoT products, please email or call +1-408-520-1591.