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FDA Security Requirements for Medical Devices

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been actively addressing cybersecurity concerns in medical devices. The FDA provides guidelines and recommendations to manufacturers to ensure the security of medical devices, especially those with embedded software. 

FDA Security Requirements for Medical Devices
Industrial Gateway for Industrial Pump Controllers

MontaVista’s CGX Linux enhances embedded industrial systems with unmatched robustness and connectivity, designed for rigorous industrial needs.

Industrial Gateway for Industrial Pump Controllers
Robot OS

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open-source robotics middleware suite which facilitates software development for Robots and Robot-like industrial applications. ROS2 has been designed with support for real-time use cases, enabling developers to build more robust and predictable robotic applications. 

Robot OS


A robust, expert supported, embedded Linux distribution providing real-time latencies, optimizable footprint and performance, advanced security and a certification-ready build process across embedded market verticals.
Enterprise-class RHEL compliant distribution providing strict SLA-based support and security/ defect maintenance for server-style deployments or designs running on COTS/x86 hardware.
A robust enterprise support solution for Kubernetes and embedded Linux, offering long-term expert-backed maintenance and configuration to new and existing deployments in a stable environment with latest updates through MontaVista's commercial-grade support.
An end-to-end solution especially for the Intelligent Edge and IoT market, but suitable across verticals. Built-in secure over-the-air update and cloud-native CI/CD container-based application DevOps features.
Security Configuration and Certification services on any Linux baseline provide customers optimized security programs and end-to-end certification, utilizing the 20+ years of security expertise from MontaVista.
Productized support and maintenance services for any Linux distribution Maximize reuse of MontaVista's hardened build and support infrastructure across package/ source-based build systems and different test facilities.


통신과 네트워킹

몬타비스타의 뿌리는 통신 및 네트워킹 분야에 있으며, 회사는 Carrier Grade Linux라는 아이디어를 기반으로 설립되었고 리눅스 영역에서 리얼타임 응답성을 제공합니다. 우리는 네트워크 장치의 요구사항들를 철저히 이해하고 그 공간에서 솔루션을 제공합니다. 

통신과 네트워킹

IoT 통신기술, 리얼타임 응답성 및 최신 보안개선사항을 활용하는 임베디드 설계에 최적화 된 솔루션입니다. 또한 다른 OS 환경에서 리눅스로 플랫폼을 이동하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.

군사 및 항공우주 시스템

군사 및 항공우주 시스템은 단일 프로세스 단일 목적에서 멀티 코어및 다기능, 독점 OS및 독점 인터페이스, COTS 하드웨어및 상용 OSS 소프트웨어로 발전했습니다.

군사 및 항공우주 시스템

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